Amigo Title

A modern and sleek approach to a culturally rich region right on the border in McAllen, Texas.


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Amigo Title is a locally owned and operated title insurance company serving residential and commercial real estate transactions in the Rio Grande Valley, and surrounding counties near McAllen, Texas. McAllen is known to be a vibrant border town city dominated by local agriculture and commerce related to the port of entry at Reynosa and has a dominant Hispanic heritage, high growth rate, and low cost of living. McAllen is in the center of a broad, flat agricultural area known locally as “The Valley” dotted with vegetable and citrus growing interspersed with small towns and expanding suburbs.

The emblem reflects the agriculture using organic/floral-like forms, and Mexican heritage, using a Mediterranean-style border, which over time migrated into Mexico’s culture via art, pottery, tapestries, tiles, etc. due to the Spanish colonization.


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